Undergoing training on pediatric CPR before your baby takes birth is very important and life saving. In USA, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a good practice and the government has taken an initiative to make very person aware of COR to save many lives in emergency when there is no doctor beside. In Memphis, Tennessee—the awareness has spread towards many people and the trend of getting trained in CPR and Basic Life Support (BLS) is increasing. Knowing this first aid can be very much effective for your family members, friends, and relatives. If you have already learnt the skill of using CPR and practiced the same then it becomes your responsibility to motivate others to learn the same skill. Although you may do it professionally, this is the basic life saving skill that you must allow everybody to learn. If you are certified and authorized to train others about BLS and CPR then it is a blessing to your near and dear ones. Otherwise, you may at least guide them to undergo ...