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Showing posts from August, 2019

Information On Ventricular Tachycardia And CPR Classes In Memphis, TN

The word “ventricular” refers to the lower chambers of your ticker, whereas tachycardia is the medical term for a fast heart rate, and that’s what ventricular tachycardia is in a nutshell- an abnormally rapid heartbeat. How Does The Ticker Function? Your ticker is a muscular pump made of four chambers- the two upper chambers are called the atria and the two lower ones are called the ventricles. They work together to pump nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood throughout the body. A healthy heart beats about 100,000 times every day. Electrical signals control your heartbeat, which follow a specific pattern, beginning in the sinoatrial, or SA, node, which is in your heart’s upper chamber, or atrium. Your atria contracts because of this signal, it then moves down to another part of your heart called the atrioventricular, or AV, node, which tells your ventricles to contract. Ventricular Tachycardia - What happens with ventricular tachycardia (V-tach) is that the electrical signals...

An Overview Of Living With Arrhythmias And Memphis PALS Classes

Most arrhythmias or abnormal heart rhythms are considered harmless and are left untreated. It is your doctor who has to determine whether you have an arrhythmia, once she has documented that you have an abnormal rhythm, he or she will need to find out whether it’s abnormal or merely reflects the ticker’s normal processes. Your doctor also determines whether your arrhythmia is clinically significant, that is whether it causes symptoms or puts you at risk for more serious arrhythmias or complications of abnormal rhythms in the future. Your doctor accordingly will set a treatment plan. The main objectives of treatment especially for individuals with atrial fibrillation (AFiB) is to prevent blood clots from forming to reduce stroke risk; restore a normal heart rhythm if possible; control your heart rate within a relatively normal range; treat cardiovascular disease/condition that may be causing the abnormal rhythm; reduce other risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke. ...

Heart Attack Diagnosis And Treatment And Memphis CPR Classes

Every year, more than a million Americans have heart attacks or myocardial infarction (MI) which is permanent damage to the heart muscle. The heart muscle requires a constant supply of oxygenated blood for nourishment which is provided by the coronary arteries. So if you have coronary artery disease, those arteries become narrow and blood cannot flow as well as it should. There’s a buildup of fatty matter, calcium, proteins, and inflammatory cells within the arteries to form plaques of different sizes. The outer shell of the plaque cracks (plaque rapture) when the plaque is hard, platelets come to the area leading to the formation of blood clots around the plaque. The heart muscle becomes “starved” for oxygen if a blood clot totally blocks the artery. Death of heart muscle occurs within a short time causing permanent damage. This is what a heart attack is. After a Heart Attack: After MI occurrence, quick treatment to open the blocked artery is vital to lessen the amount o...