A maze procedure is one option for treating atrial fibrillation (AF or AFib) that is used to control the irregular heartbeat and restore the normal rhythm of the heart. Doctors may recommend the maze procedure to those for whom atrial fibrillation isn't controlled by medication, or who can't take medication or anticoagulants, and who also require heart surgery. While conducting the surgery, doctors make tiny cuts in the heart muscle that scar as they heal. These cuts that the surgeon makes in the atria prevent the spread of irregular electrical signals (through the heart muscle causing AF) by giving the heart new pathways for them. Not everyone is a good candidate for maze procedure. It is only if you meet your surgeon’s criteria that you’ll be sent for a pre-surgery evaluation that typically involves several tests, including complete physical, electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram, stress test or nuclear stress test, Holter Monitor, computed tomography (CT) scan, transes...