CPR training in an accredited training site can make you feel a lot more in control of life-threatening emergency situations, for example, a situation where you are face-to-face with a drowning victim or when someone is suddenly having a cardiac arrest. CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation that comprises chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper application of the procedure can keep someone alive who can’t breathe on their own or whose heart has stopped pumping (sudden cardiac arrest). Majority of people are scared to administer CPR to someone suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) because they are afraid they may cause further damage, which can largely be attributed to their lack of training (knowledge) in this life-saving skill. They are afraid because they aren’t confident to handle the situation efficiently. Confidence comes from training in the hands of experts. It might come as a surprise considering how vital CPR is, the procedure is actually surprising...