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Showing posts from February, 2021

Busting The Myths Surrounding CPR By CPR Memphis Instructors

There are myths surrounding everything, people are so much misinformed these days about so many things, CPR is one among those. There are many misconceptions about this lifesaving skill, which holds many people back from obtaining CPR certification. CPR training, also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an essential lifesaving skill for parents, carers, and a requirement for many jobs, and many high-paying ones at that. Still some or the other misconception about this lifesaving procedure comes in the way of obtaining training. CPR is a lifesaving procedure that comprises chest compressions and rescue breaths (mouth-to-mouth). Properly administering the procedure can revive the life of a cardiac arrest victim. Even after holding so much importance, CPR training doesn’t find that many takers. This is due to the various myths surrounding the technique, which this blog aims to highlight and bust. Learn more: Myth : There is no running away from performing mouth-to-mouth on a st...

Key Numbers You Should Know To Get A Picture Of Your Current Heart Fitness

  Heart disease has become a menace across the world, it is the leading killer of both men and women across the globe. Yet, it does not seem to have made a deep enough impact on people. People are going on living a sedentary lifestyle (the major reason behind heart disease). One solution that could go a long way towards alleviating this problem is adopting healthy lifestyle measures. Yes, there are heart disease risk factors—like age, gender and family history—that can’t be changed, but there are others you can take control of- high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking…starting now. While the best way to prevent heart disease, to protect yourself from it, is by leading a healthy lifestyle, however, knowing your numbers: cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and blood sugar can go a long way towards keeping heart disease at bay. Here are the numbers you should know, and discover if your numbers are where they should be . Accordingly get tips for disease prevention and heart...