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Showing posts from September, 2018

Information for Parents of Children with Arrhythmia and Memphis PALS Classes

Children, like adults can also be at the receiving end of abnormal heartbeats, or arrhythmias which can lead to life-threatening emergencies like a cardiac arrest. The various types of Arrhythmias in children include:         I.             Long QT Syndrome (LQTS)       II.             Tachycardia (Sinus Tachycardia, Supraventricular tachycardia)     III.             Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome (WPW)     IV.             Ventricular tachycardia       V.             Bradycardia     VI.             Sick Sinus Syndro...

Heart Attack causes and Memphis ACLS Classes for Healthcare Providers

Heart attacks and blood vessel diseases are considered to be America’s number one killers with someone dying from heart attack every 34 seconds. It is important that you learn all that you can since most of those deaths are from coronary heart disease — over 375,000 each year. You should be aware of the warning signs of heart attack so that you can get help with immediate effect. Some heart attacks are sudden and intense. But most start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. The best way to deal with cardiac emergencies (either a cardiac arrest or heart attack) is by undergoing CPR training. The techniques comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths and proper administration of the procedures can revive the life of a victim in the middle of a cardiac emergency. If you are a resident of the Memphis region in Tennessee, you can sign up for a program at the AHA accredited CPR Memphis which comprises some of the most experienced instructors. There are courses for both healt...

Steps to Perform Child CPR and PALS Classes in Memphis, TN

Children and infants are as much susceptible to a sudden cardiac arrest as are adults. Such a victim would require immediate treatment for survival and the only form of appropriate treatment is the proper application of the CPR techniques which comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths. There are cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses for both healthcare as well as non-healthcare providers. An individual should go through the course curriculum prior to signing up for a program. Always select an accredited training center for acquiring training such as the AHA accredited CPR Memphis in Tennessee where both theoretical and practical training are imparted to the students. Our focus today is mainly going to be on a PALS class Memphis .  PALS Training Classes- This comprehensive Pediatric Advanced Life Support class begins with basic life support and CPR testing for 1 and 2 rescuers on child and infant. Recognizing and managing respiratory emergencies, intubation,...