Anemia means low hemoglobin level in the body which is often linked to heart disease as it causes the ticker to work harder to pump more oxygenated blood through the body. Anemia basically is a blood condition in which the hemoglobin is lower than normal which usually occurs when one doesn’t have enough red blood cells — the cells that transport hemoglobin throughout the body. Hemoglobin is an essential protein that carries oxygen to the tissues and organs. In some cases, the red blood cells themselves may simply contain too little hemoglobin.
Heart disease is the leading cause of a life-threatening cardiac arrest or heart attack. A victim involved in such an emergency would require immediate treatment for survival with the most appropriate treatment being proper application of the life-saving CPR techniques. The procedures comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths. It is advisable for every individual to undergo training. Select a certified training center for undergoing training. If you belong to the Memphis region in Tennessee, you can sign up for a course at the AHA certified CPR Memphis where the classes are kept small, organized and stress-free. There are courses for healthcare as well as non-healthcare providers. Here’s some information on a “PALS class Memphis”:
Pediatric Advanced Life Support Classes- This program has been designed for advanced healthcare providers who must develop and enhance their pediatric assessment skills. The class begins with basic life support and CPR testing for 1 and 2 rescuers on child and infant. Recognizing and managing respiratory emergencies, intubation, intravenous and intra-osseous vascular access are also covered in detail. The pediatric assessment approach of Identify, Intervene, and Evaluate is a focus throughout the class. The class concludes with actual PALS cases and a final written examination. The first time PALS class is taught in one day instead of the typical two days.
The course fee is $299.
Anemia Symptoms:
The body doesn’t receive adequate oxygen that it requires when someone is anemic. Left untreated or unrecognized, it can cause serious damage to the organs. The symptoms include fatigue, generalized weakness, chest pain or discomfort, fast or abnormal heartbeat, pale appearance, numbness in the hands and feet, irritability, problems in concentrating or performing at job or in class, headaches and dizziness occurring frequently, difficulty catching your breath.
The heart has to pump harder and faster to compensate for the decreased oxygen levels in the body with severe anemia.
Anemia Causes:
Common causes include insufficient iron in the blood, lack of vitamins like B-12 and folate, an inherited blood condition, other illnesses like kidney disease or cancer, rapid blood loss which may be due to recent surgery, heavy periods, or a bleeding ulcer.
Anemia Risk Factors:
Poor diet; family history of anemia or other blood disorders; loss of blood following surgery or injury; chronic illnesses like diabetes, cancer, thyroid problems, inflammatory bowel disease and kidney disease.
Impact of Anemia on the Heart:
People with anemia are at a 41-percent greater risk of having a heart attack or needing procedures to treat heart disease as compared to those without anemia. Of people hospitalized for a heart attack, 43 percent were found to have anemia. Anemia can impact the heart in a big way if left untreated because of diminished oxygen levels. Development of anemia can lead to worsening of condition in people who already have heart disease because of the added strain on the heart due to decreased oxygen levels.
Anemia Types:
1. Iron-deficiency anemia
2. Sickle cell anemia
3. Thalassemia
4. Megaloblastic anemia
5. Hemolytic anemia
Contribute towards the safety of cardiac arrest victims by joining a CPR program today. Call CPR Memphis on 901-438-4200 to know more.
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