Atrial Fibrillation or A-fib is a type of irregular heartbeat, there are three main types of it. A doctor, in an individual with A-fib- classifies by the reason for it and the amount of time it lasts. Paroxysmal A-fib is when the heartbeat returns to normal within 7 days on its own or with treatment. It may happen a few times a year or as often as every day. It becomes a permanent condition often that needs regular treatment. Symptoms include heart palpitations, confusion, chest pain or pressure, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, difficult to exercise, fatigue. If you feel chest pain or pressure, immediately call 911 as you may be having a heart attack. Risk Factors and Causes : Paroxysmal A-fib often happens because things like coronary heart disease or high blood pressure damage your ticker, if that damage affects the part of your heart that sends the electrical pulses that control your heartbeat, those pulses can come too fast or at the wrong time. Age increa...