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Showing posts from January, 2022

Repercussions Of Energy Drinks For Your Health

Excessive use of energy drinks can lead to a host of heath issues. Still a lot of people resort to these for an instant boost in their energy without realizing the repercussions for their health. Excess amount is extremely harmful for adults and youngsters. Learn more about why you, especially youngsters, should stay clear of these drinks. Energy drinks basically derive energy from glucose, and in reality is a lethal mix of caffeinated drinks and alcohol. The drinks are mainly popular among athletes, university students, working professionals with tight schedules and travelers on long journey. Its impact extends to neurological and psychological impacts, which include 1.       Anxiety 2.       Stress 3.       Depressive symptoms 4.       Sleep disorders like insomnia 5.       Aggressive behavior 6.       Self-destructive beha...

Heart Healthy Childhood Translates To A Heart Healthy Future

There are no two ways about the fact that the lifestyle habits one inculcates in their childhood shapes their future health, especially health of the heart. In view of heart disease being the leading cause of death across the globe, prioritising one’s heart health becomes more important than ever. When it comes to heart health, our discussion mainly centers on adults, but the fact that heart disease can begin in childhood may come as a shocker for you. Also, the heart-healthy habits that children develop can go a long way towards keeping cardiovascular disease at bay with increasing age. Here are a few steps to a healthy ticker for kids now and as they grow: Regular physical activity- This is a no-brainer. The importance of regular physical activity for a healthy ticker cannot be emphasized enough. Doctors recommend 1 hour of exercise for children daily. This will help keep blood pressure in a healthy range and help manage stress well. Kid-friendly activities range from walking, ...