Energy drinks basically derive energy from glucose, and in
reality is a lethal mix of caffeinated drinks and alcohol. The drinks are
mainly popular among athletes, university students, working professionals with
tight schedules and travelers on long journey. Its impact extends to
neurological and psychological impacts, which include
1. Anxiety
2. Stress
3. Depressive
4. Sleep
disorders like insomnia
5. Aggressive
6. Self-destructive
behavior on the lines of excessive use of alcohol, borderline personality
disorder, overusing drugs, etc.
Energy drinks also takes a toll on heart health. Their excessive use can lead to increased heart rate,
increased systolic & diastolic blood pressure, and increased risk for
obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are major heart disease risk factors.
Your mind and body goes for a toss when one consumes excess
amount of energy drinks, or become heavily dependent on these.
When it comes to children (less than 17 and 18 years), no
amount of energy drink is safe according to the American Association of
Pediatrics (not even one can). When it comes to coffee for children, only one
cup (less than 100 mg) is safe and no more than that, and for adults, it is
three cups (less than 3 cans of energy drinks). However, it must be noted that
it isn’t easy to put a number on how many you can have under permissible limits
since every energy drink will have a different composition of the amount of
sugar and coffee that’s there.
Adults should steer clear of taking more than two cans at one
time and do not consume daily to keep from getting addicted. Excessive use can
lead to mental issues, which is the reason why most people take it in the first
place. Eventually it turns into a vicious cycle with no coming out of it.
Students, mainly resort to these for better focus, to feel good, and sometimes
from peer pressure. In the initial period, you may feel the effects of feeling
happy, having better focus, reduced anxiety, but over a period of time it can
become a habit that changes the lifestyle completely in that you just want to
study with the sleep cycle getting disrupted. Gradually, you become addicted to
it thereby complicating your entire life and putting the future in jeopardy.
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