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Significance Of CPR Certification For Everyone

According to the American Heart Association, approximately 90 percent of all cardiac arrests happen at home or a place far from a medical facility, and any medical professional. A victim struck with a cardiac arrest would require immediate treatment for survival. The life-saving CPR procedure is considered the most appropriate form of treatment in such situations. But only a few more than 30 percent get CPR from bystanders of all the cardiac victims. It takes between 8-12 minutes for the arrival of emergency medical services, and the victim may succumb to death due to lack of oxygenated blood (cardiac arrest) in this time meaning bystander CPR could increase the victim’s chance of survival by as much as 300. The best way to keep cardiac emergencies at bay is by keeping heart disease at bay.

High cholesterol and high blood pressure are the major cardiovascular disease risk factors. Keeping the risk factors can keep your ticker in good shape.

CPR is a lifesaving technique that comprises chest compressions and rescue breaths that is administered to a person whose breathing has stopped. Proper application of the procedure can help with the flow of blood to other parts of the body to prevent damage of vital organs and to keep the victim alive. Chest compressions is the most common technique in CPR- push hard at a rate of 100-120 compressions a minute and push straight down on the chest at least 2 inches.

Everyone should train in the life-saving procedure, it is as important to select a certified training site for acquiring training, such as the AHA certified CPR Memphis in TN. Classes are conducted through a series of audio and video lectures, and hands-on practice. Become AHA CPR certified at the end of the training classes after successfully passing a skills test and written exam.

Benefits Of CPR Certification:
1.      This life-saving procedure is very easy to learn. All that is required is a few days of your time and a few practice sessions.
2.      You’d no longer be helpless in the face of a cardiac emergency. A CPR certification can help you prevent your loved ones (or strangers) from being a statistic by being there to keep them alive as help comes.
3.      You’d be equipped to save lives. You’d be surprised to know that only 30 percent of cardiac arrest victims get help from bystanders which can be attributed to lack of knowledge on the part of bystanders, or they have forgotten the exact technique. You’ll be a big part of helping raise that percentage by undergoing CPR training.

Heart disease is widespread with more and more people dying senselessly, which could be avoided if bystanders had CPR knowledge. Undergoing training will equip you with not only the lifesaving skills but also with the confidence to handle emergency situations.

When selecting a CPR certification course, it is crucial to find a course that caters to all your needs. At CPR Memphis, either register for a course online or call on 901-438-4200.


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